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What is Rotary?Rotary is service—in the community, in your place of employment, and throughout the world. Rotarians provide goodwill and peace, humanitarian service, and encourage high ethical standards in all vocations. The Rotary motto is “Service Above Self.”
What exactly does Rotary do?Rotary is a worldwide network of inspired individuals who translate their passions into relevant social causes to change lives in communities. All Rotary clubs aim to serve their community and those in need throughout the world. Through club service projects, members learn more about local and international issues, and can volunteer their time and talents where they are most needed.
How many members does The Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary Club have currently?We have 70+ Dawnbreaker Rotarians in our club today.
Isn't Rotary just a club for old guys?Dawnbreakers is not your father's Rotary club. Women with an average age of 35 are our fastest-growing members. Women were first admitted in 1987; today, Rotary has nearly 2,000 women club presidents and women are quickly stepping into all types of leadership roles.
How much does it cost to be a member?Dues are $220.00 per quarter. This includes cost for breakfast, dues, and support of Rotary projects.
How often and where do you meet?The Carrollton Dawnbreakers Rotary Club meets at Sunset Hills Country Club in Carrollton, Georgia every Wednesday morning at 7:30am. 1 West Club Drive, Carrollton.
What are the meetings like?The meetings serve as a forum for networking with community leaders, staying informed on local and Rotary events, and enjoying a different speaker each week. They're a great way to kick off your Wednesday mornings!
How do I join Rotary?If you’re interested in becoming a member, please click here and fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Someone from our Membership Committee will be in touch to explain what’s involved, who will be your sponsor, and invite you to 3 consecutive meetings.
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